Transposition by france of the csrd directive
Transposed on 6 December and officially published by order in the Official Journal on 7 December, France is taking a step forward by being one of the first countries to adopt this text.
CSRD: Holy Grail of the European Union ?
While all eyes are currently on the European Commission, which is expected to table its draft delegated act on CSRD…
The CSRD portal to support the transformation of your organisation
The CSRD, adopted at the end of 2022, significantly impacts the way sustainability information is reported.
The blind spots and loopholes of ESG reporting
Le groupe français d’Ă©tablissement d’hĂ©bergement pour personnes Ă¢gĂ©es dĂ©pendantes (ehpad), ORPEA, subit une forte pression depuis la sortie du livre « Fossoyeurs », Ă©crit par Victor Castanet…