Control your risks to secure your corporate governance
#Risk management
#Internal control
#Incident management
#Action Plan
#Permanent control
#Business continuity plan
GRC Challenges
In an ever-changing economic environment marked by uncertainty, it has become crucial for businesses to strengthen their risk management and compliance to ensure their longevity and integrity.
To address these challenges, VPWhite offers an innovative solution: the digitalisation of each stage of your Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC) process. With our ecosystem of partners and our expertise, you benefit from a tailored, collaborative, and scalable tool. Our solutions enhance your efficiency by providing a comprehensive view of your processes, facilitating team collaboration, and adapting to your evolving needs for advanced GRC risk management.
With VPWhite, the digitalisation of your GRC process becomes a strategic lever for secure governance and sustainable performance.

VPWhite support
Streamline your management while enhancing control by digitalising your GRC strategy.
Improve the efficiency of your processes
And strengthen your risk management and control policies.
Ensure regular monitoring
Of the updates to your applicable standards and regulations.
Establish clearly defined
And well-structured lines of defence within your organisation.
Guarantee adequate control coverage
Based on identified risks and applicable standards.
Implement an independent audit approach
Within your organisation to verify compliance with regulatory and normative requirements.
Implement a tailored digital solution
Provide your teams with a comprehensive and customisable solution to enhance visibility, optimise controls, and manage risks effectively.
Structuring risk management
Facilitate your risk management and anticipation process.
Deploying a control policy
Monitor the effectiveness of procedures to ensure regulatory compliance.
Customise your audit programme
Automate your audit processes to improve the efficiency of your GRC approach.
Reporting incidents
Identify the causes and analyse the impacts of risks on your organisation.
Manage your action plans
Upload and centralise all your action plans to control your risks.
Start now